Fall 2021 Courses

(*) undergraduate class. Contact instructor for possibility of cross-listing with graduate section.


ANTH 5485    Discourse Analysis

Daniel Lefkowitz    Mo 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

Discourse analysis looks at the patterns in language and language-use above the level of sentence grammar and seeks to apply the micro-level analysis of communicative interactions to understanding the macro-level processes of social and cultural reproduction. Topics include: symbolic interactionism, conversation analysis, critical discourse analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, discourse prosody, and digital analysis techniques.

*ANTH 3290    Biopolitics and the Contemporary Condition

Jarrett Zigon    We 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

Biopolitical analysis has become one of the prominent critical approaches across the social sciences and humanities. This course will consider various biopolitical theories and the ways in which they help us understand diverse phenomena of our contemporary condition, which will be examined through various case studies.


*ARTH 4591    Undergraduate Seminar in the History of Art: Global Renaissance

Francesca Fiorani    Tu 10:00am - 12:30pm    Fayerweather Hall 208

 Subject varies with the instructor, who may decide to focus attention either on a particular period, artist, or theme, or on the broader question of the aims and methods of art history. Subject is announced prior to each registration period. Representative subjects include the life and art of Pompeii, Roman painting and mosaics, history and connoisseurship of baroque prints, art and politics in revolutionary Europe, Picasso and painting, and problems in American art and culture. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.


*ECON 4210    International Trade: Theory and Policy

Kerem Cosar    TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA

Studies the nature and determinants of international trade and factor movements; the effects of international trade on prices of goods and factors; the consequences of tariffs, quotas, customs unions, and other trade policies and agreements, national or international; and international trade and the balance of payments. ECON 3010 or ECON 3110; MATH 1220; ECON 3720/4720 or STAT 3220.

Environmental Sciences

EVAT 5300    Introduction to Climatology

Robert Davis    MoWeFr 11:00am - 11:50am    TBA

Examination of the fundamental radiative, thermodynamic, and fluid dynamic processes in Earth's atmosphere with an emphasis on climatic time and space scales. Topics include atmospheric composition and radiative transfer, synoptic climatology, atmospheric general circulation, climate change, El Niño, and teleconnections. Prerequisites include EVSC 3300 or an undergraduate science degree.

EVSC 7066    Changing Global Carbon Cycle

Scott Doney    TuTh 9:30am - 10:45am    TBA

The global carbon cycle is changing dramatically due to human and natural processes. Major factors including fossil fuel use, agriculture and land-use change, atmospheric build-up, and land biosphere and ocean uptake. The course emphasizes conceptual and quantitative understanding of the impact of these different factors over the past several centuries and near-term future under a changing climate, environmental, and society.


FREN 5510    Topics in Medieval Literature: Race/Gender/Class & the Premodern

Deborah McGrady    Th 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

Topics may include genres (romance, poetry, hagiography, chanson de geste, allegory), themes (love, war, nature), single authors (Chrétien de Troyes, Machaut) and cultural and literary issues (gender, religion, authorship, rewritings).

FREN 5560    Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Reading with Emma Bovary

Cheryl Krueger    MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm    TBA

Study of various aspects of nineteenth-century French/ Francophone literature. Genre, theme, specific chronological concentration, and approach will vary. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

FREN 5585    Topics in Civilization / Cultural Studies: Performing Change: Theater in France (17-20th c)

Philippe Roger    Tu 3:30pm - 6:15pm    TBA

Interdisciplinary seminar in French and Francophone culture. Topics vary.


*GETR 3372    German Jewish Culture and History

Gabriel Finder    TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm    TBA

This course provides a wide-ranging exploration of the history, culture, and thought of German-speaking Jewry from 1750 to the present. It focuses on the Jewish response to modernity in Central Europe and lasting transformations in Jewish life. We read the works of such figures as Moses Mendelssohn, Rachel Varnhagen, Heinrich Heine, Karl Marx, Theordor Herzl, Franz Kafka, Gershom Scholem, and Inge Deutschkron.

*GETR 3390    Nazi Germany

Manuela Achilles    MoWe 10:00am - 10:50am    TBA

Detailed survey of the historical origins, political structures, cultural dynamics, and every-day practices of the Nazi Third Reich. Cross-listed in the history department. Taught in English.

*GETR 3462    Neighbors and Enemies

Manuela Achilles    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA

Explores the friend/foe nexus in German history, literature and culture, with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries. 

*GETR 3692    The Holocaust

Gabriel Finder    TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm    TBA

Gabriel Finder    TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm    TBA

This course aims to clarify basic facts and explore competing explanations for the origins and unfolding of the Holocaust--the encounter between the Third Reich and Europe's Jews between 1933 and 1945 that resulted in the deaths of almost six million Jews. 

Global Studies

*GSGS 4559    New Course in Global Studies: Multiculturalism and Settler Colonialism

Helena Zeweri    Tu 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

This interdisciplinary seminar-style class is a deep dive into the history of multiculturalism as a philosophy and a set of policies that have been at the forefront of Western settler colonial nation-states. We will examine the double-edged sword of multiculturalism: how it has on the one hand tried to overcome the violent legacies of settler colonialism and on the other hand, keeps settler colonial ideas and institutions alive. We ask, what can multiculturalism teach us about how cultural difference is simultaneously recognized and managed at the same time?


HIST 5130    Global Legal History

Paul Halliday    Tu 2:00pm - 4:30pm    TBA

Examines European legal regimes as they moved around the globe and considers those regimes' interactions with one another and with non-European legal cultures from 1500 to the twentieth century. Themes include: empire formation and legal pluralism; conflicting ideas of property; interaction of settler and indigenous peoples; forced labor and migration; the law of nations; and piracy and the law of the sea.

HIST 5501    Historical Geospatial Visualization: Working with Historic Maps

S. Edelson    Th 2:00pm - 4:30pm    TBA

This seminar-based workshop introduces advanced undergraduate and graduate students to a variety of methods and platforms for digital research featuring geospatial data. Students will contribute to a common research project as they learn geospatial visualization methods using ArcGIS Online, MapScholar, Neatline, and VisualEyes. Tutorials with visualization experts, discussions of common readings, and independent projects will be featured. Prerequisite: Graduate student or College 3rd or 4th year.

HIST 5559    New Course in General History: Reading Marx's Capital

Robert Stolz    Mo 5:00pm - 7:30pm    TBA

HIEU 5021    Greece in the Fifth Century

Jon Lendon    Tu 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

Examination of the political, diplomatic, and social history of Greece from the end of the Persian Wars in 479 b.c. to the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404/3 b.c. Investigates the origins, course, and importance of the latter war, the major watershed in classical Greek history. Prerequisite: HIEU 2031 or equivalent.

HIEU 9029    Tutorial in the History of Reformation Europe

Erin Lambert    TBA    TBA

Surveys the history and historiography of European Christianity c. 1450-1650.

HIEU 9030    Tutorial in the History of Early Modern Europe

Erin Lambert    TBA    TBA

Explores the history and historiography of Europe, c. 1450-1750. It provides a broad introduction to early modern society and culture, with particular emphasis on the transformations that reshaped Europe in this period, such as the emergence of the early modern state, the division of Christendom, and global exploration.

*HIST 4400    Topics in Economic History

Mark Thomas    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA

Comparative study of the historical development of selected advanced economies (e.g., the United States, England, Japan, continental Europe). The nations covered vary with instructor. Cross-listed with ECON 4400.

*HIEU 4502    Seminar in Post-1700 European History: Stalinism

Jeffrey Rossman    Mo 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

The major seminar is a small class (not more than 15 students) intended primarily but not exclusively for history majors who have completed two or more courses relevant to the topic of the seminar. The work of the seminar results primarily in the preparation of a substantial (ca. 25 pp. in standard format) research paper. Some restrictions and prerequisites apply to enrollment. See a history advisor or the director of undergraduate studies.

*HIEU 3390    Nazi Germany

Manuela Achilles    MoWe 10:00am - 10:50am    TBA

Detailed survey of the historical origins, political structures, cultural dynamics, and every-day practices of the Nazi Third Reich. Cross-listed in the German department. Taught in English.

*HIEU 3452    Jewish Culture and History in Eastern Europe

James Loeffler    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm

This course is a comprehensive examination of the culture and history of East European Jewry from 1750 to 1935. Course cross-listed with YITR 3452.

*HIEU 3462    Neighbors and Enemies in Germany

Manuela Achilles    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA

Explores the friend/foe nexus in Germany history, literature and culture, with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

*HIEU 2004    Nationalism in Europe

Kyrill Kunakhovich    MoWe 11:00am - 11:50am    TBA

This course examines the history of nationalism in modern Europe, from the 1700s to the present day. We will consider the emergence and consolidation of European nation-states in the eighteenth century; nationalist movements and the breakup of empires in the nineteenth; ethnic cleansing and nationalist violence in twentieth-century Europe; as well as the rise of the European Union and its challenges today.

Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages and Cultures

ARTR 5350    Introduction to Arab Women's Literature

Hanadi Al-Samman    TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm    TBA

A comprehensive overview of contemporary Arab women's literature, this course examines all Arab women's literary genres starting from personal letters, memoirs, speeches, poetry, fiction, drama, to journalistic articles and interviews. Selected texts cover various geographic locales and theoretical perspectives. Special emphasis will be given to the issues of Arab female authorship, subjectivity theory, and to the question of Arab Feminism.


PLCP 7500    Special Topics in Comparative Politics: Citizens and the State

Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner    We 4:30pm - 7:00pm    TBA

PLIR 7000    Core Seminar in International Relations

Philip Potter and Sonal Pandya   Tu 2:00pm - 4:30pm    TBA

Provides an overview of the main schools, theorists, and problems in the study of international relations and foreign policy. It is the core seminar for the international relations sub-field and thus aims to represents its contemporary character.  

PLPT 8500    Special Topics in Political Theory: Race, Gender, Power

Lawrie Balfour    Tu 4:30pm - 7:00pm    TBA

Religious Studies

RELC 5009    Bonhoeffer, Niebuhr and King: Resistance and Reconciliation

Charles Marsh    We 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

The course has four goals: (1) to understand the theologies of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Martin Luther King Jr.; (2) to explore the themes of resistance and reconciliation in their writings and actions; (3) to examine their ambivalent relationships with academic theology; and (4) to consider the promise of lived theology for contemporary religious thought.

RELG 5195    Blackness and Mysticism

Ashon Crawley    Tu 2:00pm - 4:30pm    TBA

This course considers the radicalism internal to a European Mystical Tradition but also its delimitation, particularly with how it gets cognized in western thought. We will then investigate a Black Radical Mystical Tradition that cannot be, as Robinson might say, "understood within the particular context of it genesis." It is a lived and living tradition, a tradition against religion, a tradition against western thought and modern Man.

RELI 5415    Introduction to Arabic and Islamic Studies

Ahmed al-Rahim    Mo 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

This graduate seminar provides a comprehensive survey of the subjects and areas addressed in the field of Arabic and Islamic Studies.

*RELJ 3372    German Jewish Culture and History

Gabriel Finder and Marcel Schmidt    TuTh 3:30pm - 4:45pm    TBA

This course provides a wide-ranging exploration of the culture, history & thought of German Jewry from 1750 to 1939. It focuses on the Jewish response to modernity in Central Europe and the lasting transformations in Jewish life in Europe and later North America. Readings of such figures as: Moses Mendelssohn, Heinrich Heine, Rahel Varnhagen, Franz Kafka, Gershom Scholem, Martin Buber, Karl Marx, Rosa Luxembourg, Walter Benjamin, and Freud.

Slavic Languages & Literatures

RUSS 5500    Selected Topics in Russian Literature - Nabokov and Emigré Literature

Julian Connolly    Th 2:00pm - 4:30pm    TBA

Typical topics in various years include Tolstoy, Russian literary journalism, and the mid-nineteenth century Russian novel. In some years open to students from other departments with no knowledge of Russian. May be repeated for credit.

RUSS 7010    Proseminar in Russian Literature

Edith Clowes    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA


SOC 5030    Classical Sociological Theory

Isaac Reed    Th 9:30am - 12:00pm    Randall Hall 112

A seminar focusing on the writings of Marx, Weber, Durkheim and other social theorists. Open to students in related disciplines. Prerequisite: Six credits of sociology or instructor permission; open to advanced undergraduates.

SOC 5420    Social Stratification

Adam Slez    We 2:00pm - 4:30pm    Randall Hall 112

Studies the distribution of rewards and punishments and the resulting social inequalities in cross-cultural and historical perspective. Analyzes negative liabilities such as arrest, imprisonment, unemployment, and stigmatization, and positive assets such as education, occupation, income, and honor. Draws on the literature of both stratification and deviance/criminology. Focuses on the distributive aspects of power and the resulting social formations such as classes, and status groups. Prerequisite: SOC 5030, 7130 or their equivalent, or instructor permission.

SOC 5610    Memory Studies

Jeffrey Olick    Tu 9:30am - 12:00pm    Randall Hall 112

This seminar will provide a broad interdisciplinary overview of the field of memory studies. Participants will include graduate students from UVa along with "virtual" participants from around the world. Leading figures in the field will participate as guest instructors. Enrollment is by instructor permission.

Spanish, Italian & Portuguese 

*ITTR 4010    Narrating (Un-)sustainability: Ecocritical Explorations in Italy & Mediterr

Enrico Cesaretti    TuTh 12:30pm - 1:45pm    TBA

This course focuses on the potential narratives have to convey messages that are relevant to our ethical and environmental awareness, and to help us imagine alternatives to existing systems of knowledge and distributions of power. We shall learn about the origins and general objectives of ecocriticism, its relevant theories and methodologies, and various approaches to the notion of sustainability.

*ITTR 4820    Italian Pop Culture From the 1960s to the Present

Enrico Cesaretti    TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm    TBA

This course examines the cultural and socio-political transformations that took place in Italy during its recent history. By discussing different cultural artifacts (films, essays, literature), we shall ultimately try to answer the following questions : does Italy still have space for works that resist populist and consumer culture? What are the ethical and political consequences of Italy's present culutral condition? Is there an Italian identity?

*POTR 4270    The Civilization of Brazil

Eli Carter    MoWe 2:00pm - 3:15pm    TBA

 Introduces the development of Brazilian culture from 1500 to the present. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the language requirement.

SPAN 7850    Themes and Genres: Film Theory

Samuel Amago    Tu 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

SPAN 8505    Seminars: Middle Ages and Early Renaissance: Sex, Gender, and Politics in 15th C Spain

E. Gerli    Th 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

*SPAN 4500:     Cervantes' Novelas ejemplares

TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm    TBA

Prerequisite: SPAN 3010, 3300, and 3 credits of 3400-3430, or departmental placement.

*SPAN 4500: Modern Spanish Theatre

Fernando Opere    MoWe 3:30pm - 4:45pm    TBA

Prerequisite: SPAN 3010, 3300, and 3 credits of 3400-3430, or departmental placement.

*SPAN 3400    Survey of Spanish Literature I (Middle Ages to 1700)

E. Gerli    MoWeFr 1:00pm - 1:50pm    TBA

E. Gerli    MoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pm    TBA

Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 and 3300, or departmental placement.

*SPAN 3410    Survey of Spanish Literature II (1700 to Present)

Cole Rizki    MoWeFr 2:00pm - 2:50pm    TBA

Cole Rizki    MoWeFr 3:00pm - 3:50pm    TBA

Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 and 3300, or departmental placement.

Women and Gender Studies

WGS 7500    Approaches to Gender and Sexuality Studies

Denise Walsh    Tu 3:30pm - 6:00pm    TBA

 An introduction to contemporary feminist and queer theories, intended for graduate students. Offers a survey of contemporary feminist and queer epistemology, subject formation, ethics, and politics, as well as a grounding in the methods of feminist and queer theory. What is a woman? What is sex? What is gender? What is sexuality? These and related questions are discussed from multidisciplinary perspectives.



ARCH 5150    Global Sustainability

Phoebe Crisman    TuTh 11:00am - 12:15pm    TBA

Earth's ecosystems are unraveling at an unprecedented rate, threatening human wellbeing & posing substantial challenges to contemporary society. Designing sustainable practices, institutions, & technologies for a resource-constrained world is our greatest challenge. This integrated and interdisciplinary course prepares students to understand,innovate & lead the efforts necessary to engage in this task. Graduate course will have additional course requirements.

ARH 7613    UNESCO, World Heritage and Tourism

Andrew Johnston    Fr 9:00am - 11:30am    TBA

Open to all, this course concerns the interplay of UNESCO, heritage practices, & tourism in a comparative, international context. We will ask questions concerning definitions of heritage, decision-making concerning heritage resources, tangible & intangible heritage, tourism, & the ties between heritage & economic development, among other questions. While focused on China & the Asia-Pacific Region. Graduate students will have additional course requirements.