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Graduate Courses

Graduate Courses, Listed in European Studies

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EURS 5000 Perspectives on European in the World

This course introduces students to a variety of disciplinary approaches to the study of Europe (history, anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, and culture). Stress will be laid on how combining perspectives from different fields of study can help deepen understanding of specific problems of European life. Emphasis on student interpretation of readings and analysis of central issues in Europe's development across time.

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EURS 5200 Comparative Literatures

This course focuses on questions of vital importance for democratic political life: legislators, legislative parties, and legislatures translate citizen preferences into public policy. To investigate how varying political and socioeconomic conditions affect legislatures and legislative decision-making, we compare established and new democracies in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

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EURS 5352 German History

Modern German history offers lessons in both disaster and recovery. It is also a tale of radical reinvention: Imperial Germany, Weimar Germany, National Socialist Germany, and Divided Germany--on each transition, the historical shock was sufficiently traumatic to force the country upon a new path. This course explores the repeated fundamental transformations of modern Germany.

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EURS 5501 International Trade: Theory and Policy

Kerem Cosar TuTh 2:00pm - 3:15pm

Studies the nature and determinants of international trade and factor movements; the effects of international trade on prices of goods and factors; the consequences of tariffs, quotas, customs unions, and other trade policies and agreements, national or international; and international trade and the balance of payments.

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EURS 5559 New Course in European Studies

This course provides the opportunity to offer a new topic in the subject area of European Studies.

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EURS 5560 Advanced Topics in 19th Century Literature

Study of the various aspects of the nineteenth-century French literature. Topics vary. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

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EURS 5692 The Holocaust

This course examines the encounter between Nazi Germany and Europe's Jews between 1933 and 1945, resulting in the death of almost six million Jews. We aim to clarify basic facts and explanations for the origins and unfolding of the Holocaust. We will ask why Germans, Jews, and other Europeans did what they did during the Holocaust. We will read a Holocaust survivor memoir and will also examine relations between US and Nazi race laws.

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EURS 5700 Spanish Culture and Civilization

This course proposes to initiate students to the particularities and traits that define the social, political, ideological, economic and cultural context of Spain, both on a national and regional level, aspects that ultimately are rooted in the diversity that characterizes the country.

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EURS 5704 Islamic Iberia

This course offers an introduction to Islam and a cultural history of Andalusia (Islamic Iberia) from the year 711 to the conquest of the Nazari kingdom of Granada in 1492. Classes will focus on key historical moments such as the rise of the Emirate / Caliphate of Cordoba and the Islamic hegemony in the peninsula and the subsequent decline of Islam in the rest of the peninsula (1250-1492).

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EURS 5890 Christianity in Africa

This course examines the history of Christianity in Africa from its roots in Egypt and the Maghreb in the 2nd c. CE, to contemporary times when nearly half the continent's population claims adherence to the faith. We will attempt both to position the Christian movement within the wider context of African religious history, and to understand Africa's place in the larger course of Christian history.

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EURS 6000 Research Inquiries in European Studies

This interdisciplinary course introduces students to advanced research methods for investigating issues in European Studies. Each student will develop a research proposal and paper on a specific disciplinary topic under the supervision of a faculty member in that discipline, with the requirement that the paper include significant insights from at least one other discipline.

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EURS 6300 Modern European Imperialism

Explores the history and legacies of European overseas empire from the eighteenth century to the present. Themes include strategies of conquest and rule, political economies of empire, race and gender in colonial societies, "civilizing missions" and imperial cultures, violence and decolonization, postcolonial migration and memories of empire.

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EURS 6720 Nations and Nationalism

This course considers some of the leading accounts of the origins, growth, and persistence of nationalism. Among other topics to be considered are ethnicity and nationalism; religion and nationalism; gender and nation; empire and nation; multiculturalism and national identity; non-western nationalism; globalization and the nation-state.

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EURS 8998 Thesis Research (M.A.)

For master's thesis, taken under the supervision of a thesis director. Students work closely with a primary and a secondary Faculty Advisor, representing two distinct disciplinary approaches, to develop a detailed proposal for their M.A. thesis. Students will work closely with their Faculty Advisor(s) in person, or by e-mail and video-conferencing (e.g., Skype). The proposal must be submitted and approved by the beginning of the final semester.

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EURS 8999 Thesis (M.A.)

Composition and defense of a master's thesis. Students will work under the direction of their primary faculty adviser to complete the writing their M.A. thesis. To be taken in the final semester of enrollment in the European Studies MA program. Prerequisite: graduate standing and instructor permission.

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EURS 9998 Non-Topical Research: Masters Degree

This course is intended uniquely for European Studies Master's students who need this course to reach full-time registration status while completing other degree requirements.

In addition, European Studies draws on a great variety of additional classes taught through other programs, departments and schools.