(*) undergraduate class. Contact instructor for possibility of cross-listing with graduate section.
American Studies
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AMST 5232: Oral History Workshop: A Hands-On Approach to Researching the Past
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* ANTH 2120: The Concept of Culture
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* ANTH 2250: Nationalism, Racism, Multiculturalism
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* ANTH 2541: Topics in Linguistics
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ANTH 7244: Anthropology and Anarchy
Art History
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* ARTH 2054: Roman Art and Archaeology
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* ARTH 2153: Romanesque and Gothic Art
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* CLAS 2020: Roman Civilization
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CLAS 3220: Race and Ethnicity in Ancient Greece and Rome
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* ENGL 3162: Chaucer II
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* ENGL 3260: Milton
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* ENGL 3273: Shakespeare: Tragedies and Romances
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* ENGL 3300: English Literature of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
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* ENGL 3500: Studies in English Literature
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* ENGL 3520: Studies in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 3540: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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* ENGL 3610: Global Cultural Studies
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* ENGL 4500: Seminar in English Literature
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* ENGL 4520: Seminar in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 4520: Seminar in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 4561: Seminar in Modern Literature and Culture
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* ENGL 4902: The Bible Part 2: The New Testament
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ENGL 5190: The Bible
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ENGL 5500: Special Topics in English Literature
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ENGL 5510: Seminar in Medieval Literature
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ENGL 5530: Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Literature
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ENGL 5580: Seminar in Critical Theory
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ENGL 8005: Intro to the Environmental Humanities
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ENGL 8500: Studies in English Literature
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ENGL 8540: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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ENGL 8560: Studies in Modern and Contemporary Literature
Environmental Humanities
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ENVH 6000: Introduction to Environmental Humanities
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* FREN 3030: Phonetics
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* FREN 3031: Finding Your Voice in French
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* FREN 3032: Text, Image, Culture
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* FREN 3037: French for Global Development and Humanitarian Action
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* FREN 3050: History and Civilization of France: Middle Ages to Revolution
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* FREN 4410: The Enlightenment
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* FREN 4585: Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies
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FREN 5560: Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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FREN 5570: Topics in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Literature
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FREN 5585: Topics in Civilization / Cultural Studies
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FREN 8560: Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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FREN 8570: Seminar in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature
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FREN 8585: Seminar in Cultural Studies
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* FRTR 2552: French Culture
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* GERM 3510: Topics in German Culture
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* GERM 3559: New Course in German
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* GERM 4600: Fourth-Year Seminar
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* GETR 3392 Fairy Tales
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* GETR 3420: German Intellectual History From Nietzsche to the Present
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* GETR 3464: Medieval Stories of Love and Adventure
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* GETR 3599: New Course in German in Translation
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* GETR 3562: German New Wave Cinema: Reinvention, Remembrance, Rebellion
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* GETR 3780: Memory Speaks
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* GREE 2230: The New Testament I
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GREE 5230: Greek Prose Style
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GREE 5559: New Course in Greek
Global Studies
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* GSGS 2400: Mass Migration and Global Development
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* GSGS 3030: Global Cultural Studies
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* HIEU 2041: Roman Republic and Empire
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* HIEU 2721: Supernatural Europe, 1500-1800
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* HIEU 3021: Greek and Roman Warfare
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* HIEU 3091: Ancient Law and Society
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* HIEU 3141: Age of Conquests: Britain from the Romans to the Normans (43-1066)
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* HIEU 3312: Europe at War, 1939-45: Occupation, Genocide, Resistance
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* HIEU 4502: Seminar in Post-1700 European History
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* HIEU 4511: Colloquium in Pre-1700 European History
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HIEU 5021: Greece in the Fifth Century
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HIEU 5585: Advanced Topics in Modern European History
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HIEU 9040: Tutorial in Greek and Roman Law
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* HIST 2014: Fascism: A Global History
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* HIST 2559: New Course in General History
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HIST 7559: New Course in History
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* ITAL 3020: Mastering Italian Language and Culture II: Learning through Experience
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* ITAL 3559: New Course in Italian
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* ITTR 3860: Eve's Sinful Bite: Foodscapes in Women's Writing Culture and Society
Leadership and Public Policy
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* LPPP 3559: New Course in Public Policy and Leadership
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* LPPP 4991: Capstone Seminar
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LPPP 5350: NGO Leadership in Public Policy: Best Practices
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LAW 6114: Comparative Freedom of Speech
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LAW 7035: Foreign Relations Law
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LAW 7055: International Human Rights Law
Media Studies
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* MDST 3404 Democratic Politics in the New Media Environment
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* MDST 3504: Topics in Global Media
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* MDST 4559: New Course in Media Studies
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MDST 7600: Data and Democracy
Medieval Studies
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* MSP 3501: Exploring the Middle Ages
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* PHIL 3120 Aristotle
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* PLCP 3110 Politics of Western Europe
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* PLCP 3500: Special Topics in Comparative Politics
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* PLCP 4500: Special Topics in Comparative Politics
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* PLIR 3080: International Politics in the Nuclear Age
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* PLIR 3610: European Union in World Affairs
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* PLIR 4430: Empire, Hegemony, Leadership
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PLIR 7390: International Political Economy of Finance and Migration
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* PLPT 4500: Special Topics in Political Theory
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PLPT 5500: Special Topics in Political Theory
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* PORT 3030: Perspectives on Lusophone Cultures
Religious Studies
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* RELG 2210: Religion, Ethics, & Global Environment
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* RELG 3051: Religion and Society
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* RELI 2080: Global Islam
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* RELI 5415: Introduction to Arabic and Islamic Studies
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* RELJ 2030: Judaism, Roots and Rebellion
Slavic Languages & Literatures
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* RUTR 2470: Understanding Russia: Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Identity
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* RUTR 2500: Topics in Russian Literature
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* RUTR 2730: Dostoevsky
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* RUTR 2740: Tolstoy in Translation
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* RUTR 3360: Twentieth Century Russian Literature
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* RUTR 3500: Topics in Russian Literature
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* SLAV 2360: Dracula
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* SLAV 2500: Topics in Slavic Literature and Culture
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* SLTR 3200: Poland: History and Culture
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* SOC 2442: Systems of Inequality
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* SOC 2595: Special Topics in Sociology
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* SOC 2680: Introduction to Demography
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* SOC 3320: Sociology of the Body
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* SOC 3410: Race and Ethnic Relations
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* SOC 3595: Special Topics in Sociology
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* SOC 3640: Human Society in History
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* SOC 4260: Race, Crime and Punishment
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* SOC 4540: Topics in Politics and Society
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* SOC 4720: Nations and Nationalism
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SOC 8710: Sociology of Organizations
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* SPAN 3000: Phonetics
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* SPAN 3010: Finding Your Voice in Spanish
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* SPAN 3015: Language, Culture, and Composition for Heritage Learners of Spanish
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* SPAN 3060: Writing for Social Justice and Change
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* SPAN 3300: Texts and Interpretations
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* SPAN 3400: Spain: From Kingdom to Empire (1200-1700)
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* SPAN 3410: Perspectives on Modern Spain (1800 to the Present)
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* SPAN 4040: Translation from Spanish to English
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* SPAN 4500: Special Topics Seminar: Literature
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* SPAN 4510: Special Topics Seminar: Literature
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* SPAN 4520: Special Topics Seminar: Culture and Civilization
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* SPAN 4530: Special Topics Seminar: Language
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* SPAN 4559: New Course in Spanish
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* SPAN 4700: Spanish Culture and Civilization
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* SPAN 4711: 1492 and the Aftermath
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SPAN 5350: Golden Age
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SPAN 5800: Spanish America: Colonial Period to 1800
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SPAN 7220: History of the Language
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SPAN 8540: Making Madrid Modern
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* SPTR 3559: New Course: Spanish in Translation
Women and Gender Studies
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* WGS 2125: Race & Power in Gender & Sexuality
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* WGS 3125: Transnational Feminism
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* WGS 3680: Eve's Sinful Bite: Foodscapes in Women's Writing Culture and Society
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WGS 5559: Topics in Women, Gender & Sexuality
(*) undergraduate class. Contact instructor for possibility of cross-listing with graduate section.
American Studies
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AMST 5232: Oral History Workshop: A Hands-On Approach to Researching the Past
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* ANTH 2120: The Concept of Culture
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* ANTH 2250: Nationalism, Racism, Multiculturalism
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* ANTH 2541: Topics in Linguistics
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ANTH 7244: Anthropology and Anarchy
Art History
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* ARTH 2054: Roman Art and Archaeology
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* ARTH 2153: Romanesque and Gothic Art
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* CLAS 2020: Roman Civilization
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CLAS 3220: Race and Ethnicity in Ancient Greece and Rome
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* ENGL 3162: Chaucer II
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* ENGL 3260: Milton
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* ENGL 3273: Shakespeare: Tragedies and Romances
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* ENGL 3300: English Literature of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
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* ENGL 3500: Studies in English Literature
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* ENGL 3520: Studies in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 3540: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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* ENGL 3610: Global Cultural Studies
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* ENGL 4500: Seminar in English Literature
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* ENGL 4520: Seminar in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 4520: Seminar in Renaissance Literature
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* ENGL 4561: Seminar in Modern Literature and Culture
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* ENGL 4902: The Bible Part 2: The New Testament
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ENGL 5190: The Bible
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ENGL 5500: Special Topics in English Literature
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ENGL 5510: Seminar in Medieval Literature
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ENGL 5530: Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Literature
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ENGL 5580: Seminar in Critical Theory
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ENGL 8005: Intro to the Environmental Humanities
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ENGL 8500: Studies in English Literature
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ENGL 8540: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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ENGL 8560: Studies in Modern and Contemporary Literature
Environmental Humanities
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ENVH 6000: Introduction to Environmental Humanities
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* FREN 3030: Phonetics
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* FREN 3031: Finding Your Voice in French
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* FREN 3032: Text, Image, Culture
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* FREN 3037: French for Global Development and Humanitarian Action
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* FREN 3050: History and Civilization of France: Middle Ages to Revolution
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* FREN 4410: The Enlightenment
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* FREN 4585: Advanced Topics in Cultural Studies
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FREN 5560: Topics in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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FREN 5570: Topics in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Literature
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FREN 5585: Topics in Civilization / Cultural Studies
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FREN 8560: Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Literature
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FREN 8570: Seminar in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature
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FREN 8585: Seminar in Cultural Studies
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* FRTR 2552: French Culture
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* GERM 3510: Topics in German Culture
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* GERM 3559: New Course in German
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* GERM 4600: Fourth-Year Seminar
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* GETR 3392 Fairy Tales
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* GETR 3420: German Intellectual History From Nietzsche to the Present
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* GETR 3464: Medieval Stories of Love and Adventure
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* GETR 3599: New Course in German in Translation
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* GETR 3562: German New Wave Cinema: Reinvention, Remembrance, Rebellion
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* GETR 3780: Memory Speaks
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* GREE 2230: The New Testament I
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GREE 5230: Greek Prose Style
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GREE 5559: New Course in Greek
Global Studies
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* GSGS 2400: Mass Migration and Global Development
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* GSGS 3030: Global Cultural Studies
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* HIEU 2041: Roman Republic and Empire
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* HIEU 2721: Supernatural Europe, 1500-1800
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* HIEU 3021: Greek and Roman Warfare
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* HIEU 3091: Ancient Law and Society
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* HIEU 3141: Age of Conquests: Britain from the Romans to the Normans (43-1066)
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* HIEU 3312: Europe at War, 1939-45: Occupation, Genocide, Resistance
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* HIEU 4502: Seminar in Post-1700 European History
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* HIEU 4511: Colloquium in Pre-1700 European History
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HIEU 5021: Greece in the Fifth Century
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HIEU 5585: Advanced Topics in Modern European History
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HIEU 9040: Tutorial in Greek and Roman Law
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* HIST 2014: Fascism: A Global History
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* HIST 2559: New Course in General History
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HIST 7559: New Course in History
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* ITAL 3020: Mastering Italian Language and Culture II: Learning through Experience
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* ITAL 3559: New Course in Italian
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* ITTR 3860: Eve's Sinful Bite: Foodscapes in Women's Writing Culture and Society
Leadership and Public Policy
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* LPPP 3559: New Course in Public Policy and Leadership
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* LPPP 4991: Capstone Seminar
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LPPP 5350: NGO Leadership in Public Policy: Best Practices
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LAW 6114: Comparative Freedom of Speech
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LAW 7035: Foreign Relations Law
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LAW 7055: International Human Rights Law
Media Studies
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* MDST 3404 Democratic Politics in the New Media Environment
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* MDST 3504: Topics in Global Media
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* MDST 4559: New Course in Media Studies
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MDST 7600: Data and Democracy
Medieval Studies
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* MSP 3501: Exploring the Middle Ages
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* PHIL 3120 Aristotle
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* PLCP 3110 Politics of Western Europe
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* PLCP 3500: Special Topics in Comparative Politics
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* PLCP 4500: Special Topics in Comparative Politics
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* PLIR 3080: International Politics in the Nuclear Age
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* PLIR 3610: European Union in World Affairs
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* PLIR 4430: Empire, Hegemony, Leadership
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PLIR 7390: International Political Economy of Finance and Migration
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* PLPT 4500: Special Topics in Political Theory
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PLPT 5500: Special Topics in Political Theory
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* PORT 3030: Perspectives on Lusophone Cultures
Religious Studies
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* RELG 2210: Religion, Ethics, & Global Environment
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* RELG 3051: Religion and Society
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* RELI 2080: Global Islam
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* RELI 5415: Introduction to Arabic and Islamic Studies
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* RELJ 2030: Judaism, Roots and Rebellion
Slavic Languages & Literatures
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* RUTR 2470: Understanding Russia: Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Identity
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* RUTR 2500: Topics in Russian Literature
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* RUTR 2730: Dostoevsky
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* RUTR 2740: Tolstoy in Translation
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* RUTR 3360: Twentieth Century Russian Literature
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* RUTR 3500: Topics in Russian Literature
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* SLAV 2360: Dracula
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* SLAV 2500: Topics in Slavic Literature and Culture
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* SLTR 3200: Poland: History and Culture
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* SOC 2442: Systems of Inequality
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* SOC 2595: Special Topics in Sociology
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* SOC 2680: Introduction to Demography
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* SOC 3320: Sociology of the Body
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* SOC 3410: Race and Ethnic Relations
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* SOC 3595: Special Topics in Sociology
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* SOC 3640: Human Society in History
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* SOC 4260: Race, Crime and Punishment
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* SOC 4540: Topics in Politics and Society
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* SOC 4720: Nations and Nationalism
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SOC 8710: Sociology of Organizations
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* SPAN 3000: Phonetics
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* SPAN 3010: Finding Your Voice in Spanish
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* SPAN 3015: Language, Culture, and Composition for Heritage Learners of Spanish
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* SPAN 3060: Writing for Social Justice and Change
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* SPAN 3300: Texts and Interpretations
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* SPAN 3400: Spain: From Kingdom to Empire (1200-1700)
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* SPAN 3410: Perspectives on Modern Spain (1800 to the Present)
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* SPAN 4040: Translation from Spanish to English
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* SPAN 4500: Special Topics Seminar: Literature
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* SPAN 4510: Special Topics Seminar: Literature
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* SPAN 4520: Special Topics Seminar: Culture and Civilization
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* SPAN 4530: Special Topics Seminar: Language
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* SPAN 4559: New Course in Spanish
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* SPAN 4700: Spanish Culture and Civilization
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* SPAN 4711: 1492 and the Aftermath
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SPAN 5350: Golden Age
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SPAN 5800: Spanish America: Colonial Period to 1800
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SPAN 7220: History of the Language
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SPAN 8540: Making Madrid Modern
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* SPTR 3559: New Course: Spanish in Translation
Women and Gender Studies
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* WGS 2125: Race & Power in Gender & Sexuality
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* WGS 3125: Transnational Feminism
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* WGS 3680: Eve's Sinful Bite: Foodscapes in Women's Writing Culture and Society
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WGS 5559: Topics in Women, Gender & Sexuality